Frequently Asked Questions
Does a NewTechWood composite deck cost more than a timber deck?
In the short term, it does. However, when you compare the maintenance, material, time and labour cost on traditional timber decks every year the costs really add up. In less than three years, you will be able to see all the time and money you would have saved by using NewTechWood composite timber.
How much does NewTechWood cost?
We are the wholesale importers and thus we only supply the stores that sell NewTechWood and are unable to provide pricing because we don’t sell direct to the public. You can find the stores who do sell NewTechWood on our website here: or you can submit an enquiry through our website, and we will make sure to connect you with the nearest NewTechWood reseller to get an exact quote for you.
Where is NewTechWood made?
NewTechWood is an American family-owned company, which began in Houston, Texas. They then built their own, quality controlled, manufacturing plant in China. The American owners now manage the complete manufacturing process on site. (Manufacturing in China enables them to provide top quality products at an affordable price.)
Where can I buy NewTechWood or get samples?
What state are you in? Please send us your postcode and we will advise the closest reseller store to go, see display, get free samples and quote for your deck. Otherwise, you can find where the stores are listed on our Store Locator page. They all carry samples as well. Some have large displays, and some do not – you can give them a call.
Do you install?
We’re wholesalers and we don’t do the installation. However, we have a list of recommended installers on our website and you can find comprehensive Installation Guides on our website.
Does NewTechWood cladding meet Australian building standards?
Whether or not any building product meets an Australian building standard depends on the application and the class of building on which it is being installed. For this reason, it is best to consult your architect, or Planning Officer at your local authority, for the particular standard(s) you need to meet. This will determine how it is to be constructed/used to ensure it meets the required Standard(s).
What fire rating/energy efficiency rating does the NewTechWood Cladding have?
BAL Fire ratings and energy efficiency ratings are not absolute values specific to a particular product, but apply to the way in which the product is installed, or the system of building in which the product is an element.
NewTechWood Cladding does not have a BAL bushfire rating. Refer to your building engineer as you may not require a BAL rating, and may be able to be used with an engineered, fire-rated system in place. Refer to the Materials Safety Data Sheet downloadable here:
Does NewTechWood contract and expand?
NewTechWood, like all wood plastic composite products, will expand in hotter ambient temperatures and contract in the cooler temperatures. The degree of expansion will largely depend on the type and ratio of timber & plastics used.
NewTechWood profiles will expand around 1.1mm per metre from a 15°C to high ambients.
Our hidden fix systems allow for this natural expansion & contraction to occur without affecting board creep or the design of the deck.
When installed properly, taking into account the ambient temperature at the time of installation and leaving a sufficient but not excessive gap, the spacings between the boards should always be negligible.
Will NewTechWood engineered timber last forever?
Not forever, but it sure feels like it! NewTechWood uses only the highest quality materials for engineering its composite timber boards. Years of engineering have been spent to ensure the correct blend of components go into NewTechWood products. NewTechWood will hold up to the test of time.
Does NewTechWood have a warranty?
Yes! There is a 25-Year Limited Residential Warranty, a 10-Year Limited Commercial Warranty, and a 25-Year Limited Stain Warranty.
In addition, a 2 year Labour Warranty is provided specifically to assist with the installation labour costs in replacing damaged NewTechWood boards.
Refer to the Warranty document for the conditions, and for claim procedure. It can be downloaded from the website.
Will NewTechWood composite timber fade because of exposure to the sun?
NewTechWood’s superior technology gives the boards great Ultra-Violet resistance. When installed, cared for and maintained properly in the residential exterior deck environment, NewTechWood products provide fade resistance. However, no material is fade proof, especially when the materials are exposed to years of UV Exposure and the elements.
NewTechWood warrants that the boards are resistant to colour change from light and weathering exposure as measured by colour change in excess of 5 Delta E (Hunter) units (which is the accepted industry standard.)
Further references: Care & Maintenance Guide; Warranty.
Can Low-emissivity (Low-E) glass affect NewTechWood products?
E-glass can cause excessive heat build-up on surrounding surfaces. The damage caused by the reflected beam of highly concentrated sunlight reflecting off the window also affects other things in its path, such as cars, other painted surfaces, artificial grass, and other plastic containing products, including vinyl cladding.
Even people exposed for more than a short time have felt discomfort and have to move away. The potential for burns exists, and eye damage is also a risk. One way to stop these potentially dangerous reflections from damaging your surrounds is to apply an anti-reflective window film on the outside of the e-glass window.
NewTechWood customers that have concerns about possible damage by Low-E glass should contact the manufacturer of the product which contains the Low-E glass for a solution to reduce or eliminate the effects of reflected sunlight.
Note: If the NewTechWood product comes into contact with extreme heat sources, over 120 degrees C, directly or indirectly, this will void the Warranty.
Are NewTechWood deck boards prone to static (static electricity)?
All composite decking can be prone to some level of static. In fact, static build-up is a natural occurring phenomenon that can occur with many plastic products. Dry and windy environments or higher altitudes where the humidity is lower may make this even more apparent; this all varies depending on the climate and age of the decking.
Also, some people are more susceptible to static shocks than others. It is similar to the charge you may receive off your car door on a dry day.
It may be a good idea to avoid metal railing and chairs as static shocks may occur more often. A potential way to lower the amount of static shocks occurring is to apply an anti-static product on your deck or use anti-static mats before doorways. NewTechWood’s products have been tested against EN 1815 – Assessment of Static Electrical Propensity and have received values under the maximum standard of 2Kv.
While waiting for the situation to right itself, there are some measures you can take:
- Use Heavy Duty Staticide product which works very well, however this will only give protection for 6 – 8 months, then possibly need reapplication.
- Earth the subframe to the ground.
- Install NBR rubber strips in the gaps between the first 3 – 4 boards. This is what they have done in Europe and we have been told it works. See link to a supplier in Victoria.
- Use a static mat on the deck at the door.
Generally, the static issue will tend to lessen after time, so after the first twelve months it should be okay. In the meantime, the above options will help.
Is it easy to work with NewTechWood composite timber?
Yes! You can cut, nail, drill, screw, and rout NewTechWood with standard woodworking tools. The density of NewTechWood is greater than timber that’s why we recommend using carbide tipped blades and bits. (Note: refer to the NewTechWood Installation Guidelines for routing restrictions.)
Does NewTechWood decking utilise hidden fasteners?
Yes! NewTechWood decking has grooved boards, which are designed specifically to be fixed using the NewTechWood “Hidden Fix System”.
Do I need to use the Hidden Clip system when installing NewTechWood decking?
In short, yes. The clip system is designed to allow the boards to expand and contract. If you top fix the boards there is no allowance for this movement UNLESS you pre-drill and follow the special instructions in the official NewTechWood Decking Installation Guidelines – see point below.
All WPC (wood plastic composite) expands and contracts in varying temperatures. The NewTechWood Clips allow the boards to move accordingly, so that your deck will last for many, many years.
Your install guide says we need to apply a clear sealer on cut ends and edges of the boards. Can you please advise what kind of sealer?
We recommend a product called ‘Crommelins Wet Look Paving Sealer’.
This should be brushed or rolled onto exposed ends, cut ends and ripped down boards.
It’s not compulsory, but we highly recommend it on installations around pools & spas.
It’s available from any local hardware store.
What joist spacing is required when installing NewTechWood decking?
Due to varying climatic conditions in different countries, joist spacing may vary.
For the Australian recommendations, please refer to the Profile Tables on the specific Decking Product pages of the website, for each specific board profile.
Generally, for Australian residential installations it is 350mm maximum span for the Metro Range; 450mm maximum span for the Terrace Range; and 400mm maximum span for the Coastal Range.
The recommended spans for both Residential and Commercial installations are listed on the Decking Product pages’ Profile Tables.
Can I top fix my NewTechWood deck?
We recommend using the hidden clip system, but if you must top fix, in order to avoid voiding the warranty, the installation must be as per the official NewTechWood Decking Installation Guidelines.
Should I use Butt joints layout?
This type of installation is a matter of a personal preference, and sometimes – budget. As long as the deck is installed by our Installation guide, it is covered by the warranty and it’s client/installer choice. We recommend using breaker boards instead of butt joins and on this deck our experts would have suggested running a breaker board from the corner of the alfresco wall to the brick pillar, which defines the space, eliminates butt joins and reduces the gaps required at the ends of boards. Best practice. But, in this particular case, it was a replacement deck, and you would expect that with the cost of new decking materials and labour they would not want to change too much with the existing frame. Breaker boards require a ladder joist to run under the board and need to be planned for when building the frame. Adding this as a retro fit is more/high cost.
Can I glue NewTechWood deck boards in place?
No composite should be glued due to the contraction and expansion requirements. However, for very small areas, such as around posts, you can use an appropriate adhesive (polyethlene based) such as Sikaflex.
Can I attach balustrades or pergola posts direct to the decking?
No. You cannot drill and attach direct on or through the decking boards for these types of support structures. Drill them direct to the sub-frame and then cut the boards around it.
What is the decking clearance required?
Installed on a sub frame over grass or dirt we recommend leaving a minimum of 100mm.
Installed on a sub frame over concrete or pavers, we recommend leaving a minimum of 40mm.
Can you attach NTW cladding direct to a fence/colorbond fence?
No, you can’t attach the cladding DIRECT to the colorbond fence – you have to attach it to a structural frame which can be attached to the fence, otherwise the colorbond fence is not strong enough to hold the cladding, plus the screws would go through the thin metal fencing and your neighbour wouldn’t be too happy about that. But put it up on a frame that way and it will be okay.
Are there any other fixing requirements for ceiling fixing besides the methods used for wall fixing?
There are some detailed changes between the wall and ceiling installation, the span sizes for example, an AW02 starting profile to begin the run rather than AW08 clips. This is all explained in the install guide.
Timber Batons onto brickwork generally around 30mm deep x 45w?
Yes, timber battens into brickwork or onto stud frames with the sarking sheet behind the battens as per the install guide. It is up to the installer to choose the batten however a Pre primed H3 Losp treated batten is our suggestion of at least 30mm depth.
Does NewTechWood get hotter than timber?
NewTechWood decking boards will get hotter than timber in direct sunlight due to the plastic content. It is comparable to concrete on a hot day. Consumers should test the product in barefoot scenarios to ensure suitability.
Is NewTechWood asbestos free?
Absolutely. Our product is manufacturer certified AND we have had our NewTechWood tested right here in Perth, Western Australia, following the recent asbestos scares in the building industry.
Would your Castellation product be suitable for internal walls for someone with Chemical sensitivities who requires no VOC or very low VOC?
Yes, our castellation cladding is suitable for internal & external installation, to provide a maintenance free timber façade or feature wall in any location.
Regarding the VOC, please see line 29 in the technical data sheet for the castellation cladding UH61 profile, showing ‘non-Detectable’ levels of VOC. This Technical Data Sheet can be found on our website: – LINK TO BE DETERMINED
What are the PPE Requirements?
Standard PPE such as safety glasses and gloves are recommended. The install guide does note to also wear respiratory protection, however, this isn’t mandatory, especially working outdoors, as NewTechWood contains no harsh chemicals and is just a blend of timber & plastic.
Is NewTechWood composite timber maintenance free?
NewTechWood requires No Oiling, No Sanding, No Painting.
However, no product is totally maintenance free! Normal sweeping and cleaning is still necessary to clean off debris and dirt, and to keep your deck looking at its best.
NewTechWood’s fully capped colour technology coats the boards with a high stain and fade resistant layer. This also makes the boards waterproof, so there is no need for any labour that would be necessary with regular timber.
Is NewTechWood impervious to mould?
Yes! NewTechWood has mould inhibitors that prevent mould growing on the inside of the board. Surface mould can still occur, like it can on any surface, however, it will never penetrate the board itself and is easily washed off.
Will my NewTechWood deck scratch?
NewTechWood has an outer capping of polymer that encapsulates the board in an impermeable layer of protection that provides scratch, stain and fade resistance. Normal activities incurred in day to day living will not scratch your NewTechWood decking. However, like timber, or any other surface, excessive activities can damage the surface. Skateboarding, dragging heavy furniture, dancing in stiletto heels are some of the activities which may cause the capping to scratch, abrade or chip. To ensure your deck looks as good as new for as long as possible, we recommend fixing pads under your outdoor chairs to stop the constant dragging wearing away the capping over time. Unlike timber decking, composite decking cannot be sanded back.
Will my boards still be protected from the elements when I cut them and the ends are exposed?
It is recommended that you apply a clear sealant to any exposed ends or cut edges to protect against moisture and swelling. The sealant we recommend in Australia is Crommelin’s Wetlook Paving Sealer.
Does NewTechWood need re-sanding and recoating?
No. NewTechWood products are low maintenance, meaning they are a pre-finished board that doesn’t require any initial staining, coating or any on-going recoating or sanding.
Can you use a high pressure cleaner?
Please refer to the Care and maintenance guide on further guidance on how to clean your deck. Using a high pressure cleaner is not recommended as it can damage boards.
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