NewTechWood Warranty
Safeguard Your New Investment
Experience Peace of Mind With NewTechWood’s Limited Warranty

25 Year Limited Residential Warranty
Have peace of mind knowing NewTechWood is covered by a 25-year limited residential warranty. It is important that products are installed as per our installation guidelines, using the recommended clip systems and joist spacing to ensure that you do not void the warranty. You can view our NewTechWood manufacturer’s warranty below.
Please note: If you have any queries about installation please contact your supplier BEFORE proceeding with the installation so the product is installed for optimum life time.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will NewTechWood engineered timber last forever?
Not forever, but it sure feels like it! NewTechWood uses only the highest quality materials for engineering its composite timber boards. Years of engineering have been spent to ensure the correct blend of components go into NewTechWood products. NewTechWood will hold up to the test of time.
Does NewTechWood have a warranty?
Yes! There is a 25-Year Limited Residential Warranty, a 10-Year Limited Commercial Warranty, and a 25-Year Limited Stain Warranty.
In addition, a 2 year Labour Warranty is provided specifically to assist with the installation labour costs in replacing damaged NewTechWood boards.
Refer to the Warranty document for the conditions, and for claim procedure. It can be downloaded from the website.
Will NewTechWood composite timber fade because of exposure to the sun?
NewTechWood’s superior technology gives the boards great Ultra-Violet resistance. When installed, cared for and maintained properly in the residential exterior deck environment, NewTechWood products provide fade resistance. However, no material is fade proof, especially when the materials are exposed to years of UV Exposure and the elements.
NewTechWood warrants that the boards are resistant to colour change from light and weathering exposure as measured by colour change in excess of 5 Delta E (Hunter) units (which is the accepted industry standard.)
Further references: Care & Maintenance Guide; Warranty.
Can Low-emissivity (Low-E) glass affect NewTechWood products?
E-glass can cause excessive heat build-up on surrounding surfaces. The damage caused by the reflected beam of highly concentrated sunlight reflecting off the window also affects other things in its path, such as cars, other painted surfaces, artificial grass, and other plastic containing products, including vinyl cladding.
Even people exposed for more than a short time have felt discomfort and have to move away. The potential for burns exists, and eye damage is also a risk. One way to stop these potentially dangerous reflections from damaging your surrounds is to apply an anti-reflective window film on the outside of the e-glass window.
NewTechWood customers that have concerns about possible damage by Low-E glass should contact the manufacturer of the product which contains the Low-E glass for a solution to reduce or eliminate the effects of reflected sunlight.
Note: If the NewTechWood product comes into contact with extreme heat sources, over 120 degrees C, directly or indirectly, this will void the Warranty.
Are NewTechWood deck boards prone to static (static electricity)?
All composite decking can be prone to some level of static. In fact, static build-up is a natural occurring phenomenon that can occur with many plastic products. Dry and windy environments or higher altitudes where the humidity is lower may make this even more apparent; this all varies depending on the climate and age of the decking.
Also, some people are more susceptible to static shocks than others. It is similar to the charge you may receive off your car door on a dry day.
It may be a good idea to avoid metal railing and chairs as static shocks may occur more often. A potential way to lower the amount of static shocks occurring is to apply an anti-static product on your deck or use anti-static mats before doorways. NewTechWood’s products have been tested against EN 1815 – Assessment of Static Electrical Propensity and have received values under the maximum standard of 2Kv.
While waiting for the situation to right itself, there are some measures you can take:
- Use Heavy Duty Staticide product which works very well, however this will only give protection for 6 – 8 months, then possibly need reapplication.
- Earth the subframe to the ground.
- Install NBR rubber strips in the gaps between the first 3 – 4 boards. This is what they have done in Europe and we have been told it works. See link to a supplier in Victoria.
- Use a static mat on the deck at the door.
Generally, the static issue will tend to lessen after time, so after the first twelve months it should be okay. In the meantime, the above options will help.
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