A deck is perfect for outdoor entertaining. However, it can also require a lot of maintenance to keep it looking good all year round.

Keeping your deck clean all year round will make them look better and protect them from weather damage and any other problems that can arise over time. Regular cleaning and maintenance is the key to keeping your deck in pristine condition, and many homeowners are proud of the look of their deck and outdoor area.

Here are some tips on how to clean decking. 

Why can’t deck cleaning wait?

The longer you leave dirt and debris in place, the greater the chance of stains, mould, mildew forming, and dirt building up. The longer you leave it, the more difficult it will be to remove. 

As seasons change, timber decking expands and contracts, allowing dirt and moisture to work down into the grain, contributing to warping and rotting. 

If you live in an area where snow and ice are an issue, you will need to clear the snow off your deck when you do your driveway and paths. 

The great thing about composite decking is you get the same stylish look as a timber wood deck without the ongoing maintenance. That’s right — no decking oil, sanding or painting ever! Composite decking is an ultra-low maintenance product, sometimes even clean water enough to refresh the look of your deck.

However, to keep the pristine look of your deck, it does require occasional cleaning, especially when the season changes (the good news is, you don’t even need a pressure washer!). So, give it a thorough clean and enjoy the fabulous look of your deck.

How to clean your decking boards?

What products should you use to clean decking?

WARNING: Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid any possible deck damage. For all details regarding NewTechWood’s deck cleaning, check our Care and Maintenance page.

Thanks to modern cleaning products for decks, cleaning should be a breeze. Some deck cleaners are designed specifically for timber decks, while others are designed for composite. However, a great new Australian-made product called DECKWash can be used for both wood decks and composite decks. 

The advantage of using a specialised deck cleaner is its capacity to handle stubborn dirt, mildew and grime much better than dish soap or a homemade solution. 

If you’re unable to visit the shops and need a quick solution, you may find you have all the materials you need at home!

Vinegar and bicarbonate soda can provide an eco-friendly solution to grime and debris. Mix equal parts of warm water with white vinegar and baking soda to make your deck cleaner.

NOTE: Avoid using strong household products like bleach, CLR, or sugar soap, which can cause damage to both timber and composites.

Do you know how to clean your decking boards properly?

Whether you have a timber deck or a composite deck, the steps for cleaning are the same.

Step 1: Gather the required tools 

Start by gathering all the tools required for your cleaning. You may require the following: 

  • Bucket
  • Soapy Water or Deck cleaning product 
  • Broom
  • Plastic Bristle Deck Brush
  • Safety equipment: mask, gloves, eye goggles (if using High-Pressure Cleaner)
  • Optional – High-Pressure Cleaner

Step 2: Prepare the surface

Like all cleaning projects, surface preparation is key. Start by moving furniture. Then make sure you thoroughly sweep the deck clean of any cobwebs, dirt, twigs and leaves. Don’t forget the spaces between the boards!

Step 3: Washing the deck

Before you start washing your deck, hose it down first with a regular garden hose. Then, apply the solution and scrub thoroughly using a soft broom or deck brush, doing a scrub brush.

Let it sit for a few minutes, rinse, and then re-apply if necessary. Always rinse off any cleaning solution thoroughly and allow the deck to dry fully before placing the furniture back on it.

Whichever deck cleaning product you choose, make sure you follow the instructions carefully! We have prepared a detailed Care and Maintenance Guide for those with a NewTechWood deck. 

Is it worth cleaning Your Deck in Winter?

Someone living in sunny Queensland may have a different opinion than someone living in the Snowy Mountains. But our answer is that anything of value is worth maintaining and keeping clean all year round. 

Regardless of where you live, winter brings challenges for exposed decks. Although you may not get much use out of your deck during the colder months, preparing your deck for winter is important. Follow these additional tips to maintain your deck throughout the cooler months. 

Clean decking board

Cleaning Snow / Ice 

If you live in a snow/ice prone region and have composite decking, leaving snow on it generally won’t be a problem. Wood decks on the other hand, require more care. 

Regardless of your deck surface type, you need to avoid scratching when shovelling the snow. For light snowfall, you can use a broom or a leaf blower. However, you’ll need a shovel with a plastic or rubber blade for deeper levels. 

When dealing with ice, you should take a few precautions to ensure your deck’s longevity.

  1. Avoid using any old hardware store shovel that’s designed for concrete or paving, as it could scratch. 
  2. We also recommend removing ice with ice melts as opposed to the road or rock salt. These products can be damaging and corrosive to metal, which will affect the screws and nails holding your deck together. 
  3. We suggest using Calcium Magnesium Acetate, which is low corrosion as well as safe for pets and plants.  

Decking stain prevention  

For notorious staining substances, such as red wine and soy sauce, it’s important to flush the area as soon as possible with a warm soapy water cleaning solution. Scrub lightly with a plastic bristle deck brush before it has a chance to set.

Need to Call in the Big Guns?

You can clean your deck using a pressure washer but only with extreme caution.

We recommend using a wide fan tip for both timber and composite decking, but only at pressures under 1,500 psi and at a distance of approximately 30 cm above the deck.  

To avoid damaging your deck if using a pressure washer, ensure you don’t aim the washer at any one spot for too long and use long sweeping strokes in the direction of the wood grain. 

Still not sure? Contact us!

Still, have some doubts and questions on how to clean your composite deck? NewTechWood has got your back! 

Our technical experts can provide you with detailed instructions on protecting your deck so you can continue to enjoy using it for many years to come. Get in contact with our team today!. 

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