
Category: Building Materials

  • Is Composite Decking Termite Proof?

    Is Composite Decking Termite Proof? Termites are among Australian homeowners’ worst nightmares. Termites, aka “white ants”, are not actually ants, and their food of choice is timber, including wood decking. Their voracious appetites create devastating results. In Australia, there are over 350 varieties of termite. Unfortunately, construction materials that are classified “highly termite resistant” are […]

  • BL Carpentry - Clips Install

    A Guide To Composite Decking Clips

    Unless you are an experienced deck installer, you may find yourself pondering how to build a composite deck and how to install it using composite decking clips. The options may seem a bit overwhelming. Decking Clips Questions for Beginners If you are a real DIY ‘newbie,’ you may even wonder if you need any special […]

  • Is Composite Cladding Low Maintenance?

    Is your composite cladding a low maintenance option – we often get asked. Let’s consider what “maintenance” actually means in regard to traditional timber cladding. (This does not apply to composite cladding). With timber cladding, whether you stain it or paint it, within a few years, that stain and paint will start to fade, chip, […]

  • Garden Path Trends For 2023

    Whether your garden is a small affair or a large, verdant landscape lush with plants and ornamentation, statues, fountains, fish ponds, exotic plants, decking, veggie patches or chook pens, you still need to move from A to B easily and safely. Explore the latest garden path trends for 2023 and find the perfect option for […]

  • The deck over concrete with Structural decking frame system

    Can Composite Decking Be Laid Over Concrete?

    The popular question is, “Can composite decking be laid over concrete”? The short answer is yes, you can lay composite decking over concrete, and no, you can’t.  Let us explain. First, why would you want to install composite decking over your pre-existing concrete patio? Many older homes have concrete patios.  Like many things, they require […]

  • Are Deck Tiles a Worthwhile Investment?

    What Are Deck Tiles? There are many ways to spruce up your home from the outside, and deck tiles are one of the best. They offer an affordable, durable way to change or enhance your home’s aesthetic and are a must-have for most houses. Do you want to renovate your outdoor area quickly but don’t […]

  • Composite Decking in Terrace (US49) in Silver Grey, Queensland

    Advantages of Composite Materials: 4 Reasons Why the Future Looks Bright

    Homes of the future will continue to push the boundaries of traditional building methods and materials.  It is not just about building “smart” homes, it is about environmentally responsible construction.  Here we explore the advantages of composite materials, as well as other eco-friendly options. Researchers are busy inventing new building materials that can equal or […]

  • Timber-blackbutt-floor

    Blackbutt Timber Advantages & Disadvantages

    Light blonde timbers are popular Australia-wide to complete the Scandinavian look, or Coastal beach feel in modern architectural housing designs.  Australian Blackbutt timber is a fashionable choice for these architectural styles, and unfortunately, there is a chronic shortage of this timber.  The reasons are many and not only due to excessive demand. For one thing, […]

  • How to Compare Composite Decking Brands and Materials

    As with any major purchase, it’s important to thoroughly compare composite decking brands and materials, so you can make an informed decision. But trying to establish the best value for money and selecting just one out of the many composite decking types available on the market can be a challenge. You’ve heard of the expression “You […]

  • The best pool fencing - NewTechWood composite fencing

    3 Tips to Help You Choose the Best Pool Fencing for You

    Choosing the best pool fencing is a decision faced by many Australians. According to the Swimming Pool and Spa Association, nearly 2.7 million Australians own a swimming pool.  Pool ownership can be an expensive business, not just for the initial installation, but also for the ongoing maintenance required.  One of the initial expenses that must […]

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